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James Clifford Whitten, 76, of Florence, passed away Thursday, Aug. 16, 2012, at ECM Hospital. He was a member of the Alabama Bluegrass Music Association.
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Wow! What you wrote above is ME to a tee. Same thoughts, feelings, fears. Been on Adderall for 7 years…up to 120 mgs a day now…first day of completely quitting
My doctor gave me a med that is labeled "amphet mixed" on the label. The pill looks exactly like the adderall xr 30mg capsule but instead says "M. Amphet Salts; 30 mg
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Medications > Adderall I thought I would write this review because brands of generic adderall IR are a hot Thanks for this I have been doing a whole lot of
DRUG-FORUMS > Amphetamine So swim managed to grab some Concerta 54mg. Having never tried it before, but having Concerta take a while to kick in and have a
Medications > Adderall I am 21 and my doctor just put me on adderall IR 20mg twice a day. This seems like a avoid things that contain citric acid. it tends to