definition of offshoring

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definition of offshoring
definition of offshoring
Offshoring Statistics Offshore - Definition and More from the.
off·shore (ôf shôr, -sh r, f-) adj. 1. Moving or directed away from the shore: an offshore wind. 2. a. Located at a distance from the shore: an offshore mooring
Definition of 'Offshore' 1. Located or based outside of one's national boundaries. The term offshore is used to describe foreign banks, corporations, investments and
Definition of OFFSHORE. 1: from the shore : seaward; also: at a distance from the shore . 2: outside the country : abroad. See offshore defined for kids » First

Offshore : définition et explications.
offshore - definition of offshore by the.Offshore est un terme anglais désignant à l'origine les activités qui se déroulent au large des côtes. Il peut s'appliquer à plusieurs domaines : Dans le
Example of Offshoring offshore - definition of offshore by the. .