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DNS Code for Shiny PokemonPokémon Heart Gold Version | Soul Silver Version
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Subscribe to me, and comment on this video. I will be giving away: 1 Celebi 1 Shiny Entei 1 Shiny Raikou 1 Shiny Suicune Once I have reached 50 subscribers
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Riesige Auswahl zu Tiefpreisen. Pokemon Raikou bis 75% günstiger!
Movie 13 Raikou Seed: 52140289 Delay: 638 (in 2011) Roughly 16:05 ) Target Time: 20:59:07 (8:59pm) Use this target time so I can tune into Silver Drama
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Nintendo and Gamestop are teaming up for a special Pokémon Black/White promo that you’re probably going to love if you’re a hardcore Pokémon player — Shiny
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